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These General Terms & Conditions together with any Specific Terms and Conditions for your Services and the Acceptable Use Policy form the Agreement between You and Us. If any of these General Terms & Conditions are inconsistent with any Specific Terms and Conditions for your Services, then the Specific Terms & Conditions shall prevail. By signing up for the Services you warrant that you are capable of entering into a binding contract; or are acting with the express permission of a person or organization and using the payment details of that person and that they also agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. You also agree to comply and adhere to any and all applicable laws and regulations in relation to this Agreement.

Guidelines to customer


Customer should make premises available without interruption during CONCLAVE normal working hours, 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays.

Procurement of cables and laying by CONCLAVE will ensure you long lasting quality footage.

Accessories like HDMI cable, pipe, bent, clamp etc. should be arranged from customer end before installation.

Mobile configuration can be done at additional cost on availability of Internet connectivity on the premises during installation date.

Monitor should be arranged by the customer during the installation to preview and confirm quality output on the premises.

Mobile Configuration / Permanent Monitor Connection, requested by the customer after the date of installation will attract additional charges.

Ensure that the Internet wiring access is near to the location of DVR.

Online UPS connection to DVR is advisable for uninterrupted coverage.

Mounting DVR in network rack is advisable to ensure that, it is undisturbed by manual handling.

Installation requires drilling holes in interior and exterior walls. CONCLAVE limits its liability to the patching of said holes and cannot be responsible for providing paint or wall coverings to match those colors or coverings existing within Customer's premises.

One-year warranty applicable for manufacturing defects of the product supplied by CONCLAVE.

Service warranty will not applicable for the quality issues raised due to own cable and laying.

Customers are advised to pay materials costing on signing/accepting this term and order form and also to settle the full invoice amount on completion of installation.

The Customer also agrees not to permit any third party to tamper with the security system without the written consent of SATHYA.

The Customer should inform CONCLAVE in advance if there will be a change of broadband supplier or significant works taking place that may affect the installation.


Conditions Not Covered by Warranty


Damage resulting from accidents, natural calamity, alteration, misuse, tampering and abuse.

Failure of Customer to properly follow operating instructions and user equipment maintenance guidelines provided by us at time of installation.

Trouble in Internet line or interruption to commercial power.


Terms and Conditions:


All payments are to be made in Favour of CONCLAVE INFO SYSTEM.

All taxes, levies, octroi etc. applicable at prevailing rates from time to time.

Customer needs to pay 60% payment along with purchase order and 40% payment against delivery.

The standard delivery period of CCTV Services is 15 days from the date of acceptance of purchase order by CONCLAVE. The same however is subject to the mutually agreed delivery lead times during PO acceptance stage.

Offer valid for 15 days from the date of quotation.

We shall give service warranty for a period of 12 months from the date of installation of CCTV.

General Terms and conditions and Warranty Terms apply.

Installation materials like pipe, bend, clamp etc. should be barred by the customer.

For Installing CCTV Camera the required scaffolding, ladder should be arranged by the customer.

If you want to view your cameras remotely over the Internet or on your phone, make sure you arrange with your Internet Service Provider to get at least 1 Mbps upload speed.

Monitor / Display Screen with HDMI / VGA port should be arranged by the customer.

Additional Accessories like mouse, network cable, router, etc., should be arranged by the customer before installation.

Cable & Laying will attract additional charges, if it exceeds the specification mentioned in your quotation.

The payments against invoices shall be due within fifteen (15) days from the date of invoice. If bills are unpaid for more than 15 days, services shall be deactivated.